Monday, September 26, 2005

the lion king is shit

forthwith, herein shall reside my thoughts on the altogether disappointing stage production of the disney film currently playing at the refurbished regent theatre in melbourne-town. as you may summise, i was not impressed. WORK IN PROGRESS


Anonymous said...

Yep, it sure is. That the stupid stage adaptation of a monumentally trite, boring and sappy mulch of a film should be crap does not surprise me. In fact, I would wager you not only want the 3 hours and 90 odd dollars that it stole from you back, but that you would gladly insert said refund directly into the lowest orifice of all involved in this travesty of musical theatre

Anonymous said...

(nod)yeh i heard from evry1 that saw it that its really crappy...except for the start which looked really cool.