Friday, January 13, 2006

my silent* protest (almost) against the widespread abuse of Reply All

an email i didn't send to my lawyer today because i'm, like, considerate. also may accidentally reveal my secret identity. read on...
From : Malcolm T
Sent : Friday, 13 January 2006 7:07:00 PM
To : (address with-held to rotect the innocent)
Subject : RE: FW: A personalised response just for you

i fucking hate you all. and i know this is only going to you and will probably not make it through your filters. and i don't give a fuck. and then when i call up they can ask who it is and i'll tell them who the fuck it is and to put me throught to my fucking lawyer. it's MALCOLM FUCKING THOMAS OKAY!! fuck why isn't there anything bigger than capitals...i'll be in my fucking room. now die

Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable?
Or am I miserable because I listen to pop music?
*oh, and its a silent protest because noone involved will or does read this blog unless i directly refer them here irl. plus if you look at the site meter, at least half of those visits are me. ego is not a dirty word


"i told you i was sick" - Spike Milligan's epitaph (it's apt, damnit...APT!**)

*** see above **

Monday, January 09, 2006

why don't you just ... die?

Free from addiction!
You are 10% Addicted!

You have either just started playing, or don't really seem to like the game very much yet. Be thankful that you still have a life outside of the game.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 0% on addiction level

Sunday, January 08, 2006

what's the happs

have a bender at blender at bender this afternoon. witness the debut club performance by bedroom twiddler, all-round nice-guy and electrician to the stars dj bryzamac (and yes, i have already told him he needs to work on his stage name - my suggestion, lord bryon master of the decks). as an added bonus, i may be in attendance so you can see for yourselves (wow, plural, that's optimistic) how closely i do resemble this lot. or perhaps you might think i look more like this. or maybe you could just look for this guy (a loving and excellent hand-drawn reproduction of my likeness recently added to this site). but failing that i am posting this flyer as a show of support. i actually commenced this post with the intention of doing something altruistic but amazingly it turned out that i still managed to make it about me. as certain authors of viral web surveys may command, attend or DIE*!!

*of course if you do actually die this afternoon, this would be in extremely poor taste. we here at girl vs boy take no responsibility for any adverse life outcomes suffered forthwith (disclaimer valid till 12.01am, monday january 9, 2006)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

more "people" i look like

Clockwise from top left: dilbert (created byScott Adams), disco stu (created by Matt Groening), a golliwog, herschel schmoikel (a.k.a. Krusty the Clown, also created by Matt Groening)

I seriously doubt the orginality of some of these so-called artists

go figure...