Sunday, July 31, 2005

there is no tone

the hoff. bec cartwright.

"We've raised the bar so high there is no bar."
(Joel Silver, producer of The Matrix trilogy on his then forthcoming sequels)


Anonymous said...

You really need to change your blog now. It has been Hoffed and Becked. I suggest razing it to the ground and starting afresh. In an acknowledged Hoffless zone.

Anonymous said...

I object. You shouldn't vilify the Grand Hoffmaster on a forum where he can't defend himself! On his behalf I would like to say, Go Hoff yourself. You can't prove anything, so he will be suing your ass for libel. What did HE ever do to YOU? I still haven't been given an appropriate replacement to my Hoff obsession, so until that comes it's me & the Hoff all the way baby!!
But on a positive note, hey, go ahead vilify Bec all you like!! She's got it coming.
(p.s. I promised you i'd comment Malcolm! hehe)