Thursday, July 28, 2005

getting to know me

1. What time is it? well blogger says its 10.33pm so let's go with that (my watch says 10.40pm so i really i don't know what i've accomplished in the last 7 minutes)
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: El-Hajj Malik al-Shabazz
3. Nicknames: malc (family only), malcky (house-sat a place in alphington with my best friend lucas a few years back; we were perfect strangers, cousin lukey and cousin malcky). also tried to get thommohawk happening in grade 6 since my teacher called me "thommo"
4. Peircing: this word, spelt as it is, does not exist. this leads me to conclude that whomever composed this survey is a fucking moron. however i am completing this survey so i don't know what that says about me.
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? my summer of love
6. Eye color: blue
7. Place of birth: recently discovered it was ballarat
8. Favorite foods: pistacchio souffle at radii (before the chef paul wilson moved to the botanical), oyster shooters at ezard at adelphi, peking duck at the flower drum, the journey at reserve (before it closed)
9.Ever been to Africa? no. is it like toto's africa?
10. Ever been toilet papering? no. i think the americans call it tee-peeing. it was featured in the smashing pumpkins 1979 video clip and pop-up video informs me that toilet-papering is the second most popular prank on halloween. the first being...smashing pumpkins.
11. Ever love someone so much it made you cry? despite the drugs, yes
12.Ever been in a car accident? no. i drive like a nanna
13. Croutons or bacon? one is stale bread fried in fat, the other is fat fried in fat. and they're both in a caesar salad
14. Favorite day of the week: the day when you knock on my door
15: Favorite restaurant: the last one i went to that i chose (reserve) or the next one (probably taxi @ transport at fed square)
16. Favorite flower: corn
17. Favorite sport to watch: competitive eating OR synchronised swimming (if only some genius could combine the two)
18. Favorite drink: lemon lime and oestrogen (maybe i'm not getting enough oestrogen)
19. Favorite ice cream: mango which is the true passionfruit being as it is a far more passionate fruit than passionfruit itself
20. Disney or Warner Brothers? can't name any of the brothers (can't name either of the bros either), so i'll go with walt
21. Favorite fast food restaurant: KFC because they're not buying into this healthy option/lifestyle crap
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? stained. carpet colour?
23. How many times did you fail your driver's test? nonce (and i'm a maths student)
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? last non-mailing list email was from a monkey called nick (smart monkey)
25. Which store would you max out your credit card at? Does Pick-A-Part accept credit cards? Is Lube Mobile a store?
26. What do you do most often when you are bored? sleep
27. Bedtime: curfew
28. Favorite TV shows: six feet under, west wing, millenium, scrubs, freaks and geeks, simpsons, the daily show, the larry sanders show, yes minister
29. Last person you went out to dinner with? the family for dad's birthday
30. Ford or Chevy? harrrison ford was han solo and indiana jones. chevy chase lent his voice to the karate dog (i haven't heard of it either). QED
31. What are you listening to right now? the smashing pumpkins, disarm (live on English TV 1993 from the earphoria soundtrack to vieuphoria which was reissued subsequent to the dissolution of the pumpkins). i was feeling nostalgic
32. What is your favorite color? haven't devoted any brain power to thinking about it
33. Lake, Ocean, or river? yes
34. How many tattoos do you have? none, i am a nanna
35. Time you finished this survey: 11.09
36. Which came first the chicken or the egg? the glass is half full, alright. because it is impossible to make a glass that already contains liquid, so the empty newly-created glass must be filled at some point.
37. How many people are you sending this email to? none. its not an email anymore. and i will be directing anyone curious as to my answers to this url.
38. the question you should beasking yourself is, ......WHY?

further instructions provided by the author of this survey Enjoy orDIE!
well, we're all going to die. curiouser and curiouser

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