the age won't "publish" my lunacy but you will google. bless the internet for its sanity providing goodness. naievete is an admirable quality. so are romantic notions like "i can make a difference" OR "it takes a village" OR "HOPE". my response;
1. this is an incredibly simplistic and disjointed treatment of a complex topic; not the least because it concerns the life and liberty of an australian citizen.
2. as far as i am aware, julia gillard is yet to recant the following statement "I absolutely condemn the placement of this information on the WikiLeaks website - it's a grossly irresponsible thing to do and an illegal thing to do"
3. the AFP found (subsequent to the PM making this statement) that wikileaks had broken no australian law.
4. Fairfax NEVER publish leaked information
5. i am just glad i can still go out and buy a gun with either my visa OR mastercard tomorrow.
6. you will not read this
Furthermore, the ALP will not hold seats federally thanks to Greens preferences, they will retain government only in coalition with the Greens
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