Thursday, April 10, 2008

i have an opinion and i'm not afraid to use it

the well credentialed lars and the real girl suffered enormously from a supposed indie-crowd this past monday at the nova who for some reason believed they were watching superbad. a subtle, nuanced and well-handled piece was effectively ruined by an ill-tempered audience through whom a contagion of riotous laughter spread. any poignancy or deftness was routed by the gutbusting guffaws of the masses whose delight at the premise if not the execution was obvious. that i maintained any semblance of fondness for the film is a testament to its worth. themes of engagement, illness and alienation were addressed and, on the whole, satisfactorily resolved. this was not a movie about a sex doll with heart. this was a film with heart which i saw with a bunch of dicks.


Unknown said...

LOL you have a way with words Malcolm...I'm still gonna go see it.

Anonymous said...

Pleased to see you will still have a forum for your discontent post FB. Glad to have you back Mr X