From : Malcolm T*oh, and its a silent protest because noone involved will or does read this blog unless i directly refer them here irl. plus if you look at the site meter, at least half of those visits are me. ego is not a dirty word
Sent : Friday, 13 January 2006 7:07:00 PM
To : (address with-held to rotect the innocent)
Subject : RE: FW: A personalised response just for you
i fucking hate you all. and i know this is only going to you and will probably not make it through your filters. and i don't give a fuck. and then when i call up they can ask who it is and i'll tell them who the fuck it is and to put me throught to my fucking lawyer. it's MALCOLM FUCKING THOMAS OKAY!! fuck why isn't there anything bigger than capitals...i'll be in my fucking room. now die
Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable?
Or am I miserable because I listen to pop music?
"i told you i was sick" - Spike Milligan's epitaph (it's apt, damnit...APT!**)*** see above **